1. Kode HS.
Iran mennerapkan 8 digit kode Harmonized System (Kode HS). Iran Customs Administration (IRICA) membuat 21 kategori untuk Kode HS yang digunakan di Iran. Produk kertas termasuk pada Bab: 47 (Pulp dari kayu atau dari bahan selulosa berserat lainnya; kertas atau karton yang daur ulang dari limbah dan skrap), dan 48 (Kertas dan karton; artikel kertas, bubur kertas).
Informasi selengkapnya dapat dilhat disini.
2. Undang-Undang.
2.1 Undang-undang Peraturan Ekspor-Impor (Export-Import Regulations Act).
Undang-undang mengenai ekspor dan impor barang termasuk jasa pengiriman terkait eksportir dan importir. Barang yang dapat diekspor dan diimpor diklasifikasikan ke dalam tiga kategori berikut:
- Barang yang diizinkan: dengan memperhatikan kriteria yang relevan, ekspor atau impor barang tersebut tidak memerlukan lisensi.
- Barang bersyarat: ekspor atau impor barang-barang ini dimungkinkan dengan memperoleh lisensi
- Barang-barang terlarang: ekspor atau impor barang-barang ini (pembelian, penjualan atau konsumsi) dilarang di bawah syariat Islam dan atau oleh hukum.
Undang-undang ini antara lain mengatur:
- Importir, baik pemerintah maupun bukan, harus merujuk secara eksklusif ke Kementerian Perdagangan, untuk mendapat izin (lisensi) impor dan pendaftaran impor (pesanan).
- Semua produk impor tunduk pada pendaftaran pesanan dan perizinan impor dari Kementerian Perdagangan, dengan memperhatikan ketentuan lain yang relevan.
- Izin impor juga berlaku sebagai clearence dan tidak dipersyaratkan perizinan lainnya.
- Dalam kasus di mana standar produk wajib telah ditetapkan untuk impor dan diumumkan melalui Kementerian Perdagangan, serta dalam kasus standar lainnya, importir harus diminta untuk menegaskannya dalam kontrak pembelian dan kertas pendaftaran impor, dan untuk menginstruksikan pemasok untuk memastikan bahwa barang yang dikirim sesuai dengan standar yang ditentukan.
Informasi selengkapnya dapat dilihat disini.
2.2 Undang-undang Perlindungan Hak Pelanggan (Customer’s right protection law).
Undang-undang ini antara lain mengatur:
- kewajiban penyedia barang dan jasa di depan hak pelanggan,
- pembentukan dewan perlindungan
- cara mengelola dan menyelesaikan kasus
- denda dan hukuman
Informasi selengkapnya dapat dilihat disini.
3. Regulasi.
3.1 Impor Bahan Baku.
Menurut Pasal 12 Undang-Undang Impor dan Ekspor Iran, impor bahan baku dan barang-barang yang seharusnya digunakan untuk produksi dalam negeri dibebaskan dari pembayaran bea masuk dan biaya. Jenis barang tersebut, juga dikecualikan dari perizinan yang dipersyaratkan sebagaimana tercantum dalam lampiran Peraturan Ekspor – Impor.
3.2 Persyaratan Importir.
Untuk dapat mengimpor barang ke Iran, importir harus memiliki Kartu komersial (Commercial Card) yang dikeluarkan oleh Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade dan Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ICCIMA). Informasi ini perlu diketahui oleh eksportir Indonesia.
3.3 Registrasi dan Izin Impor.
Semua barang yang diimpor harus memiliki pendaftaran pesanan (order registration) dan izin impor (import license). Import license tersebut juga akan digunakan sebagai customs clearance permit pada saat barang sudah sampai di bea cukai Iran.
Menurut Executive Ordinance of law on Export and Import barang-barang berikut dikecualikan dari prosedur registrasi dan izin impor:
- barang-barang yang dibutuhkan oleh keluarga-keluarga yang tinggal di kota Borden dan para pelaut dan awak kapal, dalam batas-batas daftar yang ditetapkan dalam ordonansi;
- barang-barang militer khusus;
- barang penumpang dalam batasan hukum;
- barang yang diimpor melalui jasa pos dalam batasan hukum;
- sampel komersial;
- contoh barang yang akan dipresentasikan dalam pameran internasional.
3.4 Sertifikasi Produk.
Verification of Conformity (VOC) adalah sistem sertifikasi wajib dari negara pengekspor tertentu dan relevan dengan kewajiban sertifikasi barang impor tentang kesesuaian dengan standar keamanan.
Verifikasi ini dilakukan dengan melihat kondisi impor:
- Certificate of Inspection (COI): Sertifikat yang menyatakan kepatuhan terhadap standar keselamatan yang tercantum dalam daftar wajib L/C (Letter of Credit), atau daftar wajib inspeksi yang dikeluarkan oleh ISIRI. Pemeriksaan dilakukan secara fisik dan pemeriksaan kesesuaian standar yang bersangkutan.
- Inspection Certificate (IC): Jika transaksi tidak berbasis L/C dan/atau standar ISIRI wajib tidak tersedia, setelah meninjau standar keamanan terkait yang disahkan oleh negara tertentu atau standar internasional, dan bersama dengan inspeksi fisik, Sertifikat Inspeksi bersama diterbitkan.
- Sertifikat Inspeksi Komersial (Commercial Inspection Certificate): Inspeksi pra-pengapalan pihak ketiga yang disepakati antara eksportir dan importir jika transaksi tidak dilakukan melalui bank atau tidak tunduk pada skema sertifikasi wajib ISIRI.
Berikut daftar produk kertas yang wajib inspeksi berdsarkan Peraturan Standar Wajib ISIRI:
- Bahan Kemasan dan Bahan Selulosa (Packaging and Cellulosic Material)
- Postal Envelopes, kodeHS: 48171000
- Different types of carton for confectionary and foodstuffs box, kode HS: 48192010 –
- Paper tissues and paper towels , toilet paper, kode HS: 48191000
- Linter Plaster, kdoe HS: 47061000
- Paper Plaster, Kode HS: 4701 – 4702 – 4703 – 4704 – 4705 – 4706
Daftar Produk Berdasarkan Regulation of Decree No. 24479T/9146 Dating 2001/05/26 of Council of Ministers:
- Printable and Writing Paper:
- Berat per meter kuadrat, minimum 40gr dan maksimum 150gr dalam gulungan (in roll type), kode HS: 48025500,
- Lainnya, dengan minimum berat 40gr permeter kuadrat dan maksimum 150gr, kode HS:48025700
- Computerized Jointed Forms (Form komputer menyambung): Commercial multi copies forms and a set of paper with carbon, dengan kode HS: 48204000
Untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi produk ekspor ke Iran, sertifikasi dapat dilakukan oleh pihak ketiga yang berwenang.
4.1 Standar dan Spesifikasi Teknis.
Selain Standar Nasional (ISRI, INSO), Iran juga dapat menerima standar internasionl atau standar negara lain. Daftar standar yang diterima oleh Organisasi Standar Nasional Iran – INSO:
Type of Standard
Exclusive Mark of Acceptable Standards
Iranian National Standards (ISIRI, INSO)
International Standards:
Standards of the International Standardization Organization
Standards of the International Communications Union
Standards of the International Electrotechnical Commission
International Organization of Legal Metrology (Organisation Internationale de Métrologie Légale)
CODEX Standards (for food industries)
Standards of the European Union Member Countries with the Prefix ‘EN’:
Standards of the European Countries:
Britain (BSI), Germany (DIN),
France (AFNOR), Italy (UNI), the Netherlands (NEN), Spain (AENOR), Portugal (IPQ), Belgium (NBN), Austria (ASI), Denmark (DS), Luxembourg (ILNAS), Finland (SFS), Sweden (SIS), Ireland (NSAI), Greece (ELOT) & the Czech Republic (UNMZ) |
Standards of the North American Countries:
Japanese National Standards
South Korean Standards
Australian National Standards
Chinese National Standards whose standardization source is columns 1 to 8 in this table.
Some of the Standards Use the
Abbreviation GB |
Standards of the Auto Manufacturers which Have Successfully Obtained the Approval of the Fifty Two (52) Standards from the INSO to Manufacture Automobiles
May be Accessed at www.isiri.org
Other Standards Which Have Been Approved per Case by the INSO:
National Standards of Russia (GOST) for I-Beam, Rebar & Channel Iron Bearing the Below-listed Numbers:
2- Standards for China (GB) for I-BEAM, Rebar & Stud Bearing the Below-listed Numbers:
4.2 Standar Kertas.
Standar Specifikasi dan persyaratan:
- ISIRI 105: Paper vocabulary
- ISIRI 113: Width of sheats of paper
- ISIRI 134: Substance of paper
- ISIRI 135: Method of expression of dimensions and direction for manufacturing unprocessed writing and printing paper
- ISIRI 157: Writing paper and certain classes of printed trimhed sizes‐ a and b series
- ISIRI 158: Method of expression of dimentions of processed writing paper and certain classes of printed matter
- ISIRI 170: Sizes of sensitized paper and film
- ISIRI 328: Sensitized paper for printing of drawings
- ISIRI 411: Black carbon paper for typewrites
- ISIRI 469: Measuring Method of smooth paper or paperboard
- ISIRI 1116: Wire side of paper and paper board
- ISIRI 1296: Paper vocabulary sixth series of terms
- ISIRI 1433: Untrimmed stock sizes of paper and method of their packaging and storage
- ISIRI 1461: Specification for waxed Paper for general Packaging
- ISIRI 1742: Filter paper (for chemical analysis)
- ISIRI 1747: Rigid Paper Board Boxes
- ISIRI 1825: General specification for paper and paperboard
- ISIRI 1826: General ‐ Specifications for paper and paperboard
- ISIRI 2139: Polyethylene coated paper
- ISIRI 2142: Packing and packaging specifications for paper bags
- ISIRI 2143: Specification for glazed paking paper
- ISIRI 2156: Paper internal diameters of cores of reels
- ISIRI 2875: Specification of bleached Kraft paper
- ISIRI 3594: Standard specification for paper serviettes
- SIRI 4317: Paper, board, pulps and related terms ‐‐ Vocabulary
- ISIRI 4724: Marking of recycled paper and board
- ISIRI 5080: Printing and business paper ‐ requirements for continuous stationery
- ISIRI 5085: Creped sterilization paper for medical use
- ISIRI 6615: Paper – Printing and business Paper – Requirement for copy paper for dry Toner imaging Processes
- ISIRI 4317‐1: Paper, board, pulps and related terms ‐ VocabularyPart 1: Alphabetical index
- ISIRI 4317‐2: Paper, board, pulps and related terms ‐ VocabularyPart 2: Pulping terminology
- ISIRI 4317‐3: Paper, board, pulps and related terms ‐ VocabularyPart 3:Paper making
- ISIRI 4317‐4: Paper, board, pulps and related terms ‐ VocabularyPart 4:Paper and board grades and converted products
- ISIRI 4317‐5: Paper, board, pulps and related terms ‐ VocabularyPart 5:Properties of pulps, paper and board
Standar Klasifikasi Kertas:
- ISIRI 501: Classification and definition of characteristics and tolerances of paper and board
- ISIRI 5106: Recovered paper and board – Classification
- ISIRI 8004: Paper Paper grades according to end uses in Iran ‐ Classification
Standar Pengujian Kertas:
- ISIRI 151: Paper and board ‐ Determination of thickess and apparent bulk density or apparent sheet density
- ISIRI 133: Paper and board ‐ sampling to determine average quality
- ISIRI 106: Conditioning of paper and board ‐ Test samples
- ISIRI 471: Paper and board determination of grammage
- ISIRI 475: Paper and board ‐ determination of waterabsorptiveness ‐ cobb method
- ISIRI 559: Paper and board ‐ Determination of moisture content ‐ Oven drying method
- ISIRI 1115: Paper and board ‐‐ Determination of tensile strength
- ISIRI 1117: Determination of brightness of paper and paper board
- ISIRI 1118: Paper and board ‐ Determination of stiffness static bending method
- ISIRI 1119: Paper and board ‐ Determination of ash
- ISIRI 1289: Paper ‐ Water proof paper of package ‐Bitumen‐Laminated ‐ Specifications and Test methods
- ISIRI 1297: Paper ‐‐ Determination of tearing resistance (Elmendorf method)
- ISIRI 1298: Paper board and pulps ‐Measurement of diffuse blue reflectance factor(ISO brightness) ‐ Test method
- ISIRI 1299: Paper and board‐ Determination of opacity (paper backing)‐ DiffuseReflectance‐ Test Method
- ISIRI 1402: Paper and paper board determination of smoothness (Method of bekk)
- ISIRI 1404: Paper ‐ Determination of Folding Endurance
- ISIRI 1415: Determination of penetration of liquid in paper and paperboard
- ISIRI 1418: Determination of lignin of bleached pulp
- ISIRI 1419: Determination of lignin of unbleached pulp
- ISIRI 1421: Paper and board ‐ Determination of airpermeance (medium range) ‐part5:Ciurley method
- ISIRI 1488: Determination of degree of creuse impermeability for paper
- ISIRI 1504: Measurement of degree of the stickness of Paper board (permeability of ink)
- ISIRI 1541: Determination and measurement of rosin in paper and paper ‐ board
- ISIRI 1543: Paper and board ‐ Determination of tensile strength after immersion in water
- ISIRI 1544: Paper and board ‐ Determination of machine direction
- ISIRI 1661: Determination of gelatin in paper and paper board
- ISIRI 1662: Paper and board ‐ Determination of surface strength (wax pick test) ‐ Test method
- ISIRI 1663: Determination of pentosans in paper
- ISIRI 1672: Test Method for Determination of Fungicldal Properties of Paper and Board
- ISIRI 1821: Paper‐ Determination of bursting strength
- ISIRI 2157: Paper, board and pulp‐Determination of iron‐ Test method
- ISIRI 2158: Paper , board and pulp Determination of acid soluble copper Test method
- ISIRI 2159: Paper/board and pulp Determination of acid‐Soluble calcium ‐ Test method
- ISIRI 2239: Paper, board and pulps Determination of acid‐soluble manganese ‐ Test method
- ISIRI 2840: Standard method of test for alpha ‐ beta and gamma ‐ cellulose in paper
- ISIRI 2887: Capillary rise of water in paper and paper board by the KLEMM method
- ISIRI 2888: Determination of the grammage of the component papers ofter separation for currugated fibre board
- ISIRI 2947: Method for determination of water in insulating oils and in oil‐impregnated paper and pressboard
- ISIRI 3035: Paper and board determination of grease resistance
- ISIRI 3054: Liner paper‐specification and methods of test
- ISIRI 3070: Paper and board ‐ determination of bursting strength after immersion in water
- ISIRI 3080: Sulphated ash in paper
- ISIRI 3118: Paper and board ‐ measurement of hygroexpansivity part 1: Hygroexpansivity up to a maximum relative humidity of 68%
- ISIRI 3126: Petroleum wax in paper
- ISIRI 3488: Paper Corrugating medium paper ‐ Specifications and test methods
- ISIRI 3489: Pulps paper & board determination of conductivity of aqeous extracts
- ISIRI 3726: Pulps, paper and board‐ determination of water‐ soluble sulfates ‐ titrametric method
- ISIRI 3727: Pulps, paper and board‐ determination of water‐soluble chlorides Part 2: method for high purity products
- ISIRI 3728: Pulps, paper and board ‐ determination of water ‐ soluble chlorides Part 1:general method
- ISIRI 4099: Paper and board‐ Determination of alkali reserve
- ISIRI 4327: Paper & board ‐ determination of dioxide content
- ISIRI 4541: Paper and board – Sacks kraft paper –Specification and test methods
- ISIRI 4705: Litmus paper ‐‐ Specification and test methods
- ISIRI 4706: paper and board ‐ accelerated ageing Part 3: moist heat treatment at 80(c and 65% relative humidity
- ISIRI 4720: Paper , board and pulps ‐ fibre furnish analysis ‐ part 7 : determination of fibre coarseness
- ISIRI 4782: Paper and board – determination of microbiological properties – total bacterial count
- ISIRI 5078: Paper and board ‐ Testing of cores ‐ Determination of bending strength by the three ‐ Point method
- ISIRI 5079: Paper and board testing of cores Part 4: measurement of dimensions
- ISIRI 5081: Paper, board and pulps units for expressing properties
- ISIRI 5082: Specification for carbonless copy paper
- ISIRI 5083: Paper and board ‐ Measurement of hygroexpansivity up to Maximum relative humidity of 86%
- ISIRI 5084: Paper And board intended to come into contact with foodstuff ‐ determination of seven specified polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB)
- ISIRI 5883: Paper and board ‐ Testing of cores Conditioningof test samples
- ISIRI 6507: Standard Test methods for Zinc and Cadmium in Paper
- ISIRI 6508: Pulp, Paper and Board‐Determination of total Chlorine and Organically Bound Chlorine
- ISIRI 7709: Paper, board and pulps – Determination of residue (ash) on ignition at 525 degrees C‐ Test method
- ISIRI 7710: Paper – Determination for water – soluble acidity or alkalinity – Test method
- ISIRI 7879: Paper and board – Cut – Size office paper – Curl in a pack of sheets – Test method
- ISIRI 7880: Paper and board – Determination of resistance to bending – Test method
- ISIRI 7881: Paper and board – Determination of the static and kinetic coefficient of friction – Horizontal plane method
- ISIRI 8003: Paper and board – Estimation of contraries – Test method
- ISIRI 8185: Paper, board and pulps – Measurement of diffuse reflectance factor – Test method
- ISIRI 8187: Paper and board – Determination of CIEWhiteness C/2o (indoor illuminationconditions) – Test method
- ISIRI 8628: Paper and Board ‐ Paper and board used intext books ‐ Specification and test methods
- ISIRI 8752: Paper ‐ White water marked & unwater marked bond paper ‐ Specification & test methods
- ISIRI 8792: Paper and board ‐ Determination of bendingstiffness ‐ Resonance method
- ISIRI 8980: Paperand pulps – Determination of fiber length by automated optical analyzer using Polarized light – Test method
- ISIRI 8981: Paper‐ board and pulps Species identification of nonwood plant fibers Test method
- ISIRI 9665: Paper and board – Determination of curl using a single vertically suspended test piece Test method
- ISIRI 9718: Paper and paperboard Fiber analysis of paper and paperboard Test method
- ISIRI 9788: Paper and paperboard Identification of wood and fibers from conifers ‐ Test method
- ISIRI 11171‐2: Paper and board –Determination of grease resistancePart 2 :Surface repellency test
- ISIRI 1295‐1: Paper and board ‐ Determination ofroughness/smoothness (air leak methods)Part 1: General method
- ISIRI 1295‐3: Paper and board Determination of roughness/smoothness (air leak methods) ‐ Part 3: Sheffield method
- ISIRI 3568‐1: Paper, board and pulp Determination of pH of aqueous extracts ‐ Part 1: Cold extraction
- ISIRI 3568‐2: Paper, board and pulps Determination of pH of aqueous extracts ‐ Part 2: Hot extraction
- ISIRI 4782‐1: Microbiology of pulp, paper and board ‐ Part1: Total count of bacteria, yeast and mould based on disintegration Test method
- ISIRI 7064‐1: Paper and board – Determination of air permeance (medium range) –‐ Part 1 : General method
- ISIRI 7064‐3: Paper and board Determination of air permeance ‐ Part 3 : Bentsen method
- ISIRI 8273‐2: Paper and board – Determination of tensile propertiesPart 2:Constant rate of elongation – Test method
5. Lembaga Berwenang.
Web : isiri.gov.ir (versi Bahasa Persia) dan en.isiri.gov.ir (versi Bahasa Inggris)
6. Informasi Lainnya.
- An Introduction to the Free Trade Zones in Iran
- Special Economic Zones in Iran
- Law on the Administration of Free Trade-Industrial Zones of the Islamic Republic of Iran